Wintertime/Snow Activities

By Grace Lee

The first snow of the wintertime was on November 15th, towards the end of study hall. All of the west campus residents ran out in pajamas, blasting their Christmas music and having a snowball fight. This run-out in the snow with friends instantly brightened my mood on the bad day. When the snow had melted overnight, the first snow of the year remained as a wonderful memory of a fleeting hour of our lives. While we wait for the next snow, we have time to plan activities to do in the next snow!

Snow brings people together. The winter experience at St. Mark’s is not complete without winter traditions and fun activities, so this article may be able to recommend some fun snow/wintertime activities that our school has to offer! 

Popular activities (from surveys and other St. Markers):

  1. Sledding

    a. In the past, some great sledding locations have been on the west campus. There is the hill from the top of the stairs towards the Ritz downwards to the parking lot, the hill down from Marr-Coolidge, and also the location dubbed “killer hill” (if you don’t know where that is, follow the cross country trail until you see an extremely steep slope. You’ll know it when you see it). Note: though killer hill is one of the most popular sledding locations, you should be wary of the steep climb back up. Also, the sledding itself is really dangerous on killer hill because of the bumpy condition, so beware!

  2. Snowball fights

    a. Every location is a place to hold a snowball fight! However, it’s important to regard the area with respect and not to attack any unwilling passerbys. You wouldn’t want to get SDC’d over a snowball fight, would you? 

  3. Engaging in the weekend activities

    a. If you follow the St. Mark’s Instagram page, @smlions, you may see the yearly posts of gingerbread houses and decorated cookies. If you’re a student who likes to stay on campus during the weekends, it may be worth a shot to engage in some activities that feature tasty treats!

  4. Making snowmen/snow-whatevers

    a. There’s nothing like building something out of snow! Some of my friends bought a snow mold that can shape snow into ducks and made a whole bunch of those snow ducks. Getting creative and making something with the snow is a classic wintertime activity, so go and try it out while the snow is fresh (or, when the snow is at least a day old, because fresh snow is hard to shape. Don’t wait too long, though, or it’ll melt).

  5. Going to Mauros (preferably while it’s snowing)

    a. Last year, I enjoyed walking to Mauro’s Diner with my friends in downtown Southborough while it was snowing. A warm plate of pancakes tastes better when you share it with friends on a cold day!

  6. Enjoying yourself in whatever way you like!

    a. If you prefer snowy days to watch movies from the comfort of your own room with a mug of hot chocolate, or if you enjoy diving into piles of snow headfirst, there is absolutely nobody stopping you as long as you aren’t hurting yourself or others! Snow doesn’t come as often as you might think, so grab the opportunity to enjoy winter in whatever way you like.

Whether it’s your first or last wintertime at St. Mark’s, make sure to go out and enjoy it to the fullest!